Writing Update
Hello! I hope you’re having a great day. Wanted to update everyone. First, the eBook versions of my novels are now available via Draft2Digital at 15 different book sellers including: Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and many others (see image). Second, I’m 296 pages into Stormrider: A Local War Story. About 100-ish pages to go to finish the first draft, which will be done by year end, then about 5-6 months for editing. As ye ol’ writing mantra goes, “Writing doesn’t sell, rewriting does.” Haven’t decided yet whether I will self-publish it, or try traditional publishing. More to follow. Lastly, I’ve been sketching the next three-book sequel to Andromeda Rhoades. Sundown Rhoades will tell the story of Paul Rhoades, Ray’s son, as he struggles to survive the rebellion consuming the Five Galaxies, while Kamen Laundraa leads a desperate effort to avoid an all-out war in the Andromeda galaxy that would destroy any hope of returning to the Five Galaxies. Have an awesome day!