Publication Day!

Andromeda Rhoades Firestorm: The Local War (Book 2) is now published! It takes 24-72 hours to review the book and make it available for purchase. I’ll provide the link and update the home page link once it’s available.

A huge thank you to the Columbia Writers’ Group from the Maryland Writers’ Association: Robin Peace, Rissa Miller, Peter Pollak, and Susan Darvas. Sadly, Peter and Susan are no longer with us, but I couldn’t have made such a good story without them. I also want to thank Steve Stone ( for the incredible artwork! Everyone who sees it says “Wow!” And a thank you to Steven at Tostemac ( for the cover text and design. Finally, thank you to PJ, Chad, and Randy, my first fans. Having folks enjoy my story and get genuinely excited about it helps this author’s motivation more than I can say. No writer writes alone.

Now it’s on to Andromeda Rhoades Tranquility: The Local War (Book 3). I’m 5 chapters in and hope to publish around the end of Summer 2023. Have an Amazing Day!! I know I have.

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