Launch Day!

It’s launch day for Andromeda Rhoades Liberation and I’m excited. This is my first experience with self-publishing and with Kindle Direct Publishing. The KDP site does a pretty good job of explaining how to submit works for publication and guiding authors through the process, but I am also so very grateful for the YouTubers out there with their how-to videos and tips. A special shout out to Dave Chesson and his Kindlepreneur site (I have no affiliation or financial connection with him). I referenced the site throughout the self-publishing process and bought and used his PublisherRocket program. Very helpful.

So, I submitted the Kindle eBook version yesterday and it only took a few hours for it to go live. I also submitted the paperback version yesterday and that became live this morning. KDP says it can take up to 72 hours, so that was faster than claimed. Amazon still hasn’t indexed my categories or keywords as of this writing as my book (or me as the author) is not showing up in standard searches. The KDP site says it can take 24 hours after a book is “live” before it becomes available. I submitted the hardcover version of the book this morning, so hopefully that will be live soon.

As excited as I am, there is still so much to do. I still need to finish my website and figure out what’s wrong with the newsletter feature. I have to order author copies and get those to the US Copyright Office and the Library of Congress, not to mention signed copies to the folks who helped me with critiquing. Then begins the marketing, and working on Andromeda Rhoades Firestorm: The Local War (Book 2).

I really enjoyed writing the story, and I hope folks enjoy reading it. Now, back to work.

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