Andromeda Rhoades Updates
Hello all! Been a while since I posted. I’ve been using all my spare time to work on Andromeda Rhoades Tranquility: The Local War (Book 3). I’m up to page 337 of what will be a 400-ish page book and anticipate completing the first draft in early September. After that, editing will take about 2-3 months (closer to three, most likely), so looking to publish late Fall. My awesome critique group is already chewing away on earlier chapters and providing great feedback on characters, plot, and setting. I can’t speak for other authors, but having a great critique group of fellow published authors who aren’t afraid to call out something that doesn’t work is crucial. I’ll provide more updates as I get closer to publishing.
Andromeda Rhoades Liberation: The Local War (Book 1) came in second for Sci Fi Book of the Year in the Colorado Author’s League 83rd Annual Excellence in Writing contest. It’s a fantastic accomplishment for my first ever novel!
Finally, wanted to leave you with a cute photo of the neighbors. Love it when they bring the kids. Have an awesome day!